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Poema de Philip J. Farmer

The Pterodactyl

Far pre-father of feathers, you are flying
Through cerebral Jurassics in a spasm
Of leathery vanes, afraid to sound the chasm
Where saurian trades of tooth and loin are plying.
Wing-fingered feeder on metaphysics, signing
From withering bowels denotes enthusiasm
Wasted chasing toothsome ectoplasm
And omens a skeleton decease while trying.

Sawbeaked epitome of bodiless
Idea, tossed by gusts of ether, dive
Through abstract mists and raid the sea of fact
Eat rich strange fish, grow long bright feathers, press
Form's flesh around thought's rib, and so derive
From the act of beauty, beauty of the act.

Philip José Farmer

Fue publicado por primera vez en Fantasy & Science Fiction, Julio 1965

2003-04-25 | Haz un comentario (hay 2)


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"Si la miseria de nuestros pobres no es causada por las leyes de la naturaleza, sino por nuestras instituciones, qué grande es nuestro pecado"
(Charles R. Darwin)