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John Bindon

He visto cosas que vosotros, primates, nunca creeríais.

Hordas de Pachyrhinosaurus bramando en las polvorientas llanuras del maastritchiense tardío.
Gigantescas Archelon volando bajo el agua, majestuosamente, hacia la playa de desove.
Bandadas de ramforrincoides recorriendo el infinito cuello de Mamenchisaurus.
He visto al Pteranodon escapar, entre nubes negras y olas embravecidas, de las fauces letales de Liopleurodon.
Y al Ornitocheirus alimentar a sus pollos con pulpo en su precario refugio del acantilado...
He visto saltar como gacelas a los Hypsilophodon nada más salir del huevo...

Todas estas visiones se perderían como plumas de Oviraptor bajo la tormenta (de arena)... si no fuera porque han sido inmortalizadas por el fabuloso paleoartista John Bindon en su nueva web.

© El Paleo-freak

2003-04-12 | Haz un comentario (hay 19)


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De: yildelen Fecha: 2003-04-12 15:49

Jajajaja... aunque sé que más bien es una burla traviesa más que un homenaje, porque te conozco Paleofreak.. ;o), me ha molado. (^_^)

De: el paseante Fecha: 2003-04-12 20:25

Genial, está hecho usted un paleo-replicante de primera. Yo también recuerdo esa película, Flintstone Runner.

De: Luis Javier Capote Pérez Fecha: 2003-04-13 08:12

Flinstone, Flistone Runner
A real sci-fi historyyy

De: Algernon Fecha: 2003-04-13 21:14


De: Koolasuchus Fecha: 2007-02-03 19:20

Hablando en plata, Paleo: eso me ha emocionado.

De: DinoDetective Fecha: 2007-02-03 19:35

He visto al Pteranodon escapar, entre nubes negras y olas embravecidas, de las fauces letales de Liopleurodon.

¡¡¡Ciertamente lo leo y no lo creo!!! , XD como es posible que un Pteranodon escape de las fauces de un Liopleurodon, si nunca se conocieron estos 2, vivieron en épocas separadas por millones de años, XD o los habrá puesto solo peque riman y terminan en ''ODON'' XD


De: Koolasuchus Fecha: 2007-02-03 19:37

Es que decir: He visto aun pteranodon escapar de las fauces letales de un Tylosaurus queda muy raro.

De: DinoDetective Fecha: 2007-02-03 19:38

A ya, entonces si es la rima. XD

Saludos :D

De: Koolasuchus Fecha: 2007-02-03 19:42

Paleo Runner.
Paleo Freak, ¿es verdad eso que dicen de que tu eres en realidad biólogo molecular? Porque viendo las cosas que escribes, la gente de a pie se confunde enseguida.

De: Walter Fecha: 2019-01-10 15:28

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De: Sue Fecha: 2019-03-25 11:38

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    De: Sue Fecha: 2019-03-25 11:39

    Terms AppraisalIndustrial PropertiesDeed info | | Condemnation information |

  • commercial property for lease
  • AssessmentShopping Malls For Sale | | Commercial Real Estate In AtlantaBase Rent | |
  • commercial property for sale
  • | | Balloon Payment definedFair Market Value information | Contiguous Spacewarehouses for saleProperty Search CommercialEstoppel Certificate informationCCIM info | Full Recourse informationBuildings For SaleOffice For Leasecommercial realtorDedicate defined
  • warehouse in miami
  • |
  • office space for rent
  • Gross Absorbtion information | |

    De: Sue Fecha: 2019-03-25 11:40

    Office Building Salebusiness properties | Commercial Property Business | Appreciation definition | Consumer Price Index CPI infocommercial real estate for saleConcessions informationcommercial realtyIndustrial PropertyFloor Area RatioMiami Commercial Real Estate Broker | Build Out definedCommercial Property ProfessionalsMotels For SaleAppreciation definedCapital Expenses infoAnchor Tenant definedOffice To Lease | warehouses for lease | Covenant Of Quiet EnjoymentCIREI definitionConstruction ManagementCapitalization definitionBuild Out info | | First Generation Space | | Construction Management information

  • warehouse for sale
  • commercial property for lease
  • | Grant informationCommercial Property Transactions information | | Environmental ImpactConveyance informationBase Year | First Right Of Refusal (Adjacent Space) | |
  • commercial property for sale
  • | |

    De: Sue Fecha: 2019-03-25 11:42

    Covenant definedBullet Loan definitionCIREI defined | Building Standard Plus Allowance | warehouse for leaseCost Approach info | commercial real estate search

  • hotel broker
  • | | Commercial Broker | | Default information | | Economic Feasibility information | GrantorCPM infowarehouse propertiesCommercial Property ResourcesBelow Grade
  • commercial building for sale
  • | International Commercial Property infoCommercial Property Markets information | Commercial Real Estate In MiamiWarehouses For Sale Miami | | CovenantCovenant info | Build Out information | Donald Trump | | | | Bullet Loan information | Base Year definedCommercial Property Resources information |

    De: Sue Fecha: 2019-03-25 11:43

    Commercial Property Consulting infoAMO definedMiami Commercial Properties | Commercial Property Resources info

  • hotels for sale in Florida
  • | Building Standard definitionBankruptcy informationCommercial Building For Sale | Common Area definitionmiami warehouse for saleBalloon PaymentClear Span FacilityBalloon Payment info | Exclusive Agency Listing info | | Hotel Brokers | warehouse property | Below Grade information
  • hotel broker
  • Absorbtion defined | Office Buildings For Sale | | | | Industrial ParkAppraisal defined
  • hotels for sale
  • Dedicate | Contract DocumentsConsumer Price Index CPI definitionARM definedCapitalization informationCommon Area information | Attorn | General Contractor | Allowance Over Building Shell definedGross Lease informationHotels For SaleTerms - Ad ValoremFloor Area Ratio informationEminent Domain | | Corporate Commercial Property information

    De: Sue Fecha: 2019-03-25 11:45

    Force Majeure informationCommercial Property Strategies infoLoansBuilding Or Core Factor defined | office rentals

  • Miami office space for sale
  • | | Distraint informationCommercial Property Markets infoBuild To Suit info | Comparables definedGross Lease | | |
  • commercial property finance
  • | Florida Commercial Real EstateFirst Generation Space informationChapter 11 | | | Office Space For Lease | |
  • warehouses for sale
  • CRBCommercial Property Team infoSpace For Rent | | Commercial Property Solutions infoCRE definitionCirculation Factor definedCommercial Property Professionals info | Commercial Real Estate Broker | | Building Classifications informationMiami Office For RentCRS defined | Gross AbsorbtionCost Approach information | Commercial Property Objectives informationCommercial Real Estate Miami Florida | | Sell A Hotel | Build To Suit informationCarrying Charges info |
  • warehouse space for rent
  • | Common Area infoAdd-On-Factor defined | |
  • warehouse for sale Miami
  • | Circulation Factor
  • warehouse
  • Annual Percentage Rate (APR) defenition |

    De: New Condo Fecha: 2019-07-08 05:29

    Thanks for the awesome write up! I found the article to be informative. Here are the latest residential developments launching in Singapore 2019. Many more condominiums coming your way. Park Colonial developer, Riverfront Residences developer, Parc Esta showflat, New Launch Singapore Condo, 35 Gilstead showflat, the Tre ver showflat, Amber Park showflat, Coastline Residences showflat, One Meyer showflat, Sky Everton showflat, Avenue South Residences showflat, Botanique At Bartley, Piermont Grand EC showflat, Piermont Grand EC, The Antares showflat, Midtown Bay showflat,One Pearl Bank showflat, Urban Treasure showflat

    De: New Condo Fecha: 2019-07-08 05:30

    Thanks for the awesome write up! I found the article to be informative. Here are the latest residential developments launching in Singapore 2019. Many more condominiums coming your way. Park Colonial developer, Riverfront Residences developer, Parc Esta showflat, New Launch Singapore Condo, 35 Gilstead showflat, the Tre ver showflat, Amber Park showflat, Coastline Residences showflat, One Meyer showflat, Sky Everton showflat, Avenue South Residences showflat, Botanique At Bartley, Piermont Grand EC showflat, Piermont Grand EC, The Antares showflat, Midtown Bay showflat,One Pearl Bank showflat, Urban Treasure showflat

    De: New Condo Fecha: 2019-07-15 06:04

    Thanks for the awesome write up! I found the article to be informative. Here are the latest residential developments launching in Singapore 2019. Many more condominiums coming your way. Park Colonial developer, Riverfront Residences developer, Parc Esta showflat, New Launch Singapore Condo, 35 Gilstead showflat, the Tre ver showflat, Amber Park showflat, Coastline Residences showflat, One Meyer showflat, Sky Everton showflat, Avenue South Residences showflat, Botanique At Bartley, Piermont Grand EC showflat, Piermont Grand EC, The Antares showflat, Midtown Bay showflat,One Pearl Bank showflat, Urban Treasure showflat

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    (Charles R. Darwin)